GRE – I want to remove you from the education system.

Heated forehead, lying upside down twisted on the bed as I try to make sense of the questions in the GRE qualitative or quantitative stuff. To be honest, all of these questions are worthless. I have studied for the last 17 years in the strict Indian schools where punishments are heart wrenching and the hours are painstaking.

This is to all the colleges everywhere, design your own entrance test. How can your student stand out from the rest and be the next Steve Jobs if he has to give the same exam billions gave. There should be custom made tests for selective candidates who show the desire to give so.

I feel like asking for a refund for that big book which has nothing of my interest in it, why should I study it?!

I’m done with my audio engineering at SAE, Singapore and now with to pursue my masters in the USA or Australia or New Zee… I’m very indecisive, sorry. But, I can’t wait to get started with more education, more fun ,more experience, more life! But I am now here lying in the most un healthy position in from of my computer.

GRE, its all your fault.